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Visa Cards Home Loans

New and Used Automobile Rates

Length of Repayment(1)Annual Percentage Rate
36 months 5.69%*
48 months 5.69%*
60 months 5.99%*
72 months 6.15%*
84 months 6.25%*

Terms and Conditions:

On approved credit, the Credit Union will finance up to 100% of the purchase price of new vehicles and 100% of the Kelley Blue Book retail value for used vehicles.
1. 72 month financing available for loans of $20,000 or more; 84 month financing available for loans of $30,000 or more. The minimum payment will always be $125.00.
*Annual Percentage Rate shown is our lowest available and reflects a .25% rate discount for electronic repayment. All loan rates are considered on an individual basis. The actual Annual Percentage Rate you receive will reflect your individual circumstances and may be higher than the Annual Percentage Rate shown.

New and Used Recreational Vehicle Rates

Length of Repayment(2)Annual Percentage RateDaily Rate
60 months 6.99%* 0.019151%
84 months 7.89%* 0.021616%
108 months 8.89%* 0.024356%
144 months 9.44%* 0.025863%

Terms and Conditions:

New RVs: On approved credit, the Credit Union will finance up to 100% of the purchase price, not to include tax, license and other fees.
Used RVs: On approved credit, the Credit Union will finance up to 100% of the Kelley Blue Book retail value.
2. Up to 60 month financing available on all RV loans; 84 month financing available for RV loans of $25,000 or more; 108 month financing available for RV loans of $35,000 or more; 144 month financing available for RV loans of $50,000 or more. The minimum payment will always be $125.00.
*Annual Percentage Rate shown is our lowest available and reflects a .25% rate discount for electronic repayment. All loan rates are considered on an individual basis. The actual Annual Percentage Rate you receive will reflect your individual circumstances and may be higher than the Annual Percentage Rate shown.

Personal, Share Secured or Certificate Secured, and Payday Alternative Rates

Type of LoanMaximum AmountMaximum Term (in months)Annual Percentage Rate
Personal $20,000 Up to 60 Months 9.74%*
Share (3) 10 years 5.90%
Certificate (4) 10 years (4)
Payday Alternative (5) $1,000 Up to 6 Months 28.00%

Terms and Conditions:

3. The Credit Union will loan up to 100% of available shares.
4. The Credit Union will loan up to 100% of the available balance of the certificate. The Annual Percentage Rate (and corresponding Daily Rate) will be 3.00% above the interest rate being earned on the certificate.
5. Min. loan amount $500. Membership open minimum one month. Application fees may apply.
*Annual Percentage Rate shown is our lowest available and reflects a .25% rate discount for electronic repayment. All loan rates are considered on an individual basis. The actual Annual Percentage Rate you receive will reflect your individual circumstances and may be higher than the Annual Percentage Rate shown.

New and Used Motorcycle Rates

Length of Repayment (6)Annual Percentage RateDaily Rate
36 months 7.25%* 0.019863%
48 months 7.75%* 0.021233%
60 months 8.25%* 0.022603%

Terms and Conditions:

6. On approved credit, the Credit Union will finance up to 80% of the purchase price of new motorcycles, not including tax and license, and up to 100% of the Kelley Blue Book wholesale value on used motorcycles.
*Annual Percentage Rate shown is our lowest available and reflects a .25% rate discount for electronic repayment. All loan rates are considered on an individual basis. The actual Annual Percentage Rate you receive will reflect your individual circumstances and may be higher than the Annual Percentage Rate shown.

New Watercraft Rates

Length of Repayment (7)Annual Percentage RateDaily Rate
36 months 7.00%* 0.019178%
48 months 7.25%* 0.019863%
60 months 7.50%* 0.020548%
72 months 8.00%* 0.021918%
84 months 8.75%* 0.023973%

Terms and Conditions:

100% Financing available (not to include tax, license and fees) on approved credit.
7. 60 month financing available on loans of $12,500 or more, 72 month financing available on loans of $20,000 or more, 84 month financing available on loans of $30,000 or more.
*Annual Percentage Rate shown is our lowest available and reflects a .25% rate discount for electronic repayment. All loan rates are considered on an individual basis. The actual Annual Percentage Rate you receive will reflect your individual circumstances and may be higher than the Annual Percentage Rate shown.
